Long Term Crisis Preparation List (top 3: water, food, heat)
Power/Water/Fire/Light/Heat :oil, gas (generator), solar panel and (silicon salt) battery, hand well pump, iodine 2 %
windmill, making charcoal, diesel fuel, stove (난로), magnifying glass, lighter, lantern
matches, batteries, lamp oil, wicks, propane tank, wood stove
tap water -> rain water (digging wells), water distiller, desaltize of sea water
atmospheric water catchment, roof catchment of water,
Hunting/Fishing/Camping :
maps, fishing poles, camping gear, compass, mosquito net,
weather forecasting, hooks and lures, guns and ammo + cleaning kit
Communication/Transportations :
HAM radio, solar/wind-up radio, whistle , shofar, steamboat, customed truck,
pre-1980 truck ( + extra parts in Faraday cage), bicycle, 수륙양용 에어보트카,
태양광 자동차, hot-air balloon, 소형선박
Tools/Household :
for gardening, for constructing, for woodworking, hand air pump
cookers, stationery, duct tape, paper, greenhouse, freeze dryer
; canning lids, windup clock, lard, lye, scissors, shampoo, soap
grinder for grain, wheat, cofffee, juicer, fan, bleach
to build a hand pump, using Mylar bags
rain gear and boots, underwear, socks, shoes, gloves, sunglasses
extra eyeglasses, tooth brush & paste, masks for dust, gas, surgical… )
방독면, antibiotics, 해열제, 소독약, 소화제, 진통제, making colloidal silver
해독제, personal medications, food storage system
만화, 영화, 음악 (classic, 찬송, ... ), 그림 감상, books, games
puzzles, musics, musical notes and instruments, microscope, Bibles, KJV Bible with apocrypha
MP3, digital album, USB (text, photos, movies, music …), 영상 displayer
소형 speaker, file viewer
Gardening :
buying seeds, getting meat from livestock
Misc.. : candy, tea, honey, chocolate, raisin, peanut butter