daily essay 20200720

I saw a cleaning cart outside which makes me think a lot only to confuse me.

Their symbolic settings of my surrounding are not clear to me.

They also look confused about how they are affecting me.

Nowadays I became more sensitive to smelling that they are using as well as the sound around.

I take all leftover drinks to the drainage back home because I don't want to take any drugs like aphrodisiac unwittingly.
It would be Koreans to put drugs on my eatables because they smell very differently and leave the smell long where they remain.
I guess they pay more to the Koreans the longer I stand.
It is probably the best business for the Koreans at this bad economic period because the idiots don't have to think elaborately and just obey them to increase their benefit.

Who else wants these kinds of easy business for economy ?
The Korean economy dooms bad.
I am not sure of which economy is worse between their master and the Korean.
In other words, which would collapse first to make a domino ?

Then what would be left to us ?

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